So we’ve hit the end of March, and with that comes an update to the restrictions. From this week outdoor sports and outdoor socialising begins. We are no longer under ‘stay at home’ restrictions and we’re days away from being able to go to the gym, shop for items that are unessential, and eat and drink outside.
With this shift in what we’re allowed to do, our mornings are set to look a bit different. Firstly, we’re so excited to reintroduce the gym to our morning routine.
We have fared quite well throughout lockdown, mostly thanks to an early purchase of some adjustable dumbbells and an online membership to Psycle and Metabolic London. Being forced to work out from home was definitely difficult to get used to to start with, but having to head out to get our sweat on actually moves our mornings around quite a lot. Our mornings have been pretty standard with timings. Up at 6:15, time to read and have a coffee before we meet again at 7:30 for a 20-30 minute workout. This leaves us half an hour to shower, meditate and get down to business. With the need to travel (only ten minutes but it makes a difference) and a less planned, more open gym session (we follow push jerk, but there’s no one on screen making sure the video ends in 20 minutes so we can go about our day) we have to set aside a lot more time for exercise in the morning. In order to not miss out on any of our key steps; we’re going to be getting up earlier, and out the door faster!
This kind of amendment to a morning routine should be taken slowly. We don’t want to make instant changes that won’t ever stick – the first step is to reduce the time between getting up and starting exercise, and then the second step is to wake up five minutes earlier each week for a few weeks. Remember you should take a sustainable approach to altering your routine; so, if, like us, you need to redo your timetable – make sure you’re giving yourselves enough space to make the change properly.
The second big change will come to our weekends. With ‘al fresco’ dining on the menu, you can bet that we will be doing some brunches in place of our normal longer sessions of exercise and at-home dishes. This doesn’t mean that our lie-ins and exercise sessions will completely disappear – but the excitement of being able to get out and meet your friends will definitely take over for the first few weeks.
With the stay-at-home restriction lifted, we anticipate a big change in how we approach our day. The biggest change will come at the weekends when we are again allowed to see our loved ones, play basketball in a team, and even hit a lido. In reflection of how restrictions are being lifted, we need to be mindful to make the changes steadily and sensibly. If you have any questions or concerns about your mornings changing so drastically; please reach out and let us know.
With the stay-at-home restriction lifted, we anticipate a big change in how we approach our day. The biggest change will come at the weekends when we are again allowed to see our loved ones, play basketball in a team, and even hit a lido. In reflection of how restrictions are being lifted, we need to be mindful to make the changes steadily and sensibly. If you have any questions or concerns about your mornings changing so drastically; please reach out and let us know.