So we’ve been doing this morning routine thing for a while now, and it’s been quite the journey. Some weeks we’re on top of everything and in a flow state, some weeks we lay in bed until the very last minute and eat haribo for breakfast, it’s all about balance.
What we found helped us through these ups and downs wasn’t the most rigid of morning routines; it was setting a routine that was the best for when we were at 100% and then not berating ourselves if every morning wasn’t 100%. As time went on we realised that the best way to make progress was actually to meausure it.

That’s why we created the guide. By just noting what is happening daily you can start to see patterns. You can also start to see how you feel on days when you nail it, and understand more why you are trying.
We started with just tallying habbits. Picking our most important parts of the morning routine and ticking off when they had been accomplished. This created a gamification of the morning routine and meant that each task was a bit more fun. A bit more of an accomplishment. After this began to show results we went a bit further, noting down specific tasks that we wanted to complete in that day.

Great – we saw a huge improvement in productivity because our to do list was staring at us daily and the movement of one day to the other was too embarassing to not just spend 15 minutes getting the thing done.

After this resounding success we looked at what we can do further. We spent a whole day thinking about goals and what we actually want to achieve, breaking these down ito mini goals and then centering our to do lists around them.
We looked at prioritisation, and ranking to do’s to make sure we’re not approaching lists and then wasting 10 minutes deciding what to do first.

We introduced Pomodoro so that you can shut off everything and get that thing done.

We don’t want to forget anything useful so we created space for inspiration, things to do and gratitude.

We know that there are a million things happening each day, and now the world is opening back up you have way more plans, so we created a calendar to add events, actions and appointments.

We basically created the bible of all things good mornings. Everything to help with creativity, productivity, sustainability and wellness. It’s changed our approach to mornings and has really set us up for success in the fourth quarter.

Buy our Good Mornings Guide