It’s week three of achieving your goals, and this week we’re going through another four tips that will accelerate your chances of reaching your goals.
This tip seems obvious and like something that you automatically do, but we mean really commit. Commit daily. Commit to the point where you chose yourself over other activities and distractions. Part of the reason we insist so heavily on morning routines as the anchor for achieving everything you want in life is that a daily routine is an ultimate commitment. Showing up daily and working on yourself, commiting to daily work is a huge contributing factor in achieving your goals. So commit, really commit and be consistent with it. Even if you’re not feeling 100%, even if it’s the smallest version of what you need to do, commit to consistently working on yourself and you will see that 1% growth everyday which will result in reaching your goals.
If we can tell you one major reason why people fail it would be because they try to do everything at once. A morning routine works, ok I need to get up at 5 am and go to the gym and read a book and write an essay and meditate for four hours….. They’re so busy rushing to the finish line and trying to jump ahead that they miss. The benefit of tracking and having a plan means you can give space to small steps. Small steps are the ultimate reason we achieve everything we want to, small, teeny tiny incremental chippings away at what we want. And those small steps add up a lot quicker than you think. The compound growth is staggering! It also isn’t too much of a shock on your system. No one’s going to wake up and run a marathon, but if you wake up and run for three minutes you’re on your way there. So take small steps, and make sure you’re not overloading yourself.
Creating a plan and tracking and managing your goals is incredibly important for a myriad of reasons, and one major reason is so you can identify and overcome obstacles. We do a weekly check-in on what has affected our tasks or reaching the steps we need to so we can clearly see what obstacles are in front or us or holding us back so that we can either remove them or navigate a way around them. Just as procrastination is an emotional problem, not a time problem, obstacles are often self-inflicted and easily removed. By taking the time to identify obstacles that are preventing you from completing tasks or working on your goals, you will not only be more likely to achieve your goals but you will also learn a lot about yourself as well.
To be honest this probably should have been tip number one not twelve, but here we are. Achieving your goals shouldn’t be an arduous task, it’s working towards a future state of even more joy and happiness. Who doesn’t want to do that! So make it fun. Reframe your thinking from I ‘have to’ to I ‘get to’ and figure out what fun likes for you. I love notion because I can colour code, I can add images, I can make it incredibly visual. I also have a great setup where I feel inspired and like I’m having a great time, I have a Durant shirt and a playlist curated over multiple iterations since 2006 which puts me in the mood. Some people gameify goals, pitting themselves against a partner or even themselves, picturing levels and doing their tasks in a new environment or at a different time to bring in the game element. Whatever you find fun, introduce an element into your goals and I guarantee you will increase your chances of getting there.